Ab Ovo
A Latin term meaning “from the beginning” or literally “from the egg”
Hello there internet person, and welcome to my new written blog “TheWineInYourEyes” on blogger (or blogspot, depending on how you look at the situation). Since this is my first written post on this page, I thought a good topic for today would be ‘new beginnings’. My aim for this blog is to try and introduce a new perspective on ideas or issues, and to maybe introduce some new information or ideas to my readers. Meaning you. Yes you, not the tanned, gorgeous and incredibly seductive stranger just behind you. You looked didn’t you. Admit it. Ok fine, pretend you didn’t. We both know you did.
Anyway, I digress. Much like when Cain said to Abel “Hold still, this won’t hurt at all” I am embarking on a new, possibly risky, project. This blog. I’ve had written blogs in the past, as a slight few of my readership might know, but none in this style. This is a completely new way of talking to people for me and it could quite easily backfire, in the same way Steve Irwin’s idea to do a sea-life program backfired. Ok, maybe that was a bit far. I’ll leave that up to you to decide.
So, new beginnings. There have been lots of these across the history of our world, from the Fox network deciding to cancel good shows and keep the shit ones going, to Eve’s idea to completely disobey God and eat the damn apple. Man, she wanted that apple. But one thing defines a new beginning, the idea of branching out from the traditional or the expected and taking a course of action that is almost entirely unprecedented. Which for me, this blog is.
For those of you who watch my videos on YouTube, you might be confused by this style of writing. It is completely different to the way I talk on camera. I find this is because when writing I feel more able to splurge all the insanity from my head onto the page. ‘Splurge’ is a nice word. I’m glad I got to use that. ‘Schweppes’ is a nice word too. Just saying. Anyway, yeah. This blog is a completely different style and hopefully by reading it you’ll have a better understanding of how I operate, or why I’m such a freak. So I hope you enjoy this tour of my hidden regions. Not those hidden regions, that’d just be weird. This isn’t some kind of porn blog. Pervert.
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/TheWineInYourEyes
Blogspot: http://www.thewineinyoureyes.blogspot.co.uk/
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